Your OBGYN's Integrative Approach To Weight Management

Weight gain during pregnancy and from hormonal changes is common and can impact a woman's health. Due to the natural aspects of gaining and controlling weight during and after pregnancy and hormonal changes, some OBGYN care centers offer weight management services in addition to women's health. Regardless of whether the individual identifies as a man or woman or agender, weight management is easier to manage when an integrative approach is taken. So just what is involved in weight management through an OBGYN care center? Read on to find out. 

Hormonal Balancing

When hormones are out of whack, weight can be easy to put on. The reason this happens is that you have hormones that tell your body when to be hungry and when to store fat to save energy. OBGYN doctors often work to balance hormones that affect women's health cycles. Your OBGYN will determine if your hormones are imbalanced and prescribe medication for you to bring your hormones to appropriate levels. 

Nutrition & Exercise 

Of course, nutrition and exercise are important in the integrative approach to weight management. You need to eat healthily and exercise to lose weight and keep your weight under control. Your regimen can be tailored specifically for your health needs and your goals, without compromising any chronic medical conditions you may have. 


When it comes to taking a medically-supervised approach to weight management, your medical team may consider prescribing weight-loss medication to you or recommending over-the-counter medication and products that may help you in your weight loss journey. Appetite suppressants and diuretics are two of the more common over-the-counter products that can be used to assist in achieving weight loss goals. Just be sure to inform your medical team before you start using a product that they have not yet recommended. They may want to try various things in a particular order, instead. 


There are several different types of treatments that can effectively reduce visible fat, which can help you in your weight management goals. Talk with your OBGYN about treatments such as cryolipolysis, laser cellulite treatments, red light therapy, and sauna sessions. These types of treatments will help improve the appearance of the stubborn areas that tend to be the most difficult for women to reduce. While these treatments generally will not make a significant change in your weight, they can give your weight management goals a boost by slimming down and firming up the more problematic areas of your body.  

For more information, talk to your doctor about weight management treatment options. 

About Me

Treatment for Uterine Fibroids

I married my wonderful spouse ten years ago. A couple of years after my wedding, I started experiencing excruciating stomach pains. These frightening pains would sometimes last for a week or more. After a visit to my gynecologist’s office, I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids. Over the next few years, my condition worsened. Finally, I decided to undergo surgery in order to have the fibroids removed. Since I recovered from surgery, I’ve been amazed. All of my bothersome symptoms have disappeared. I feel better than I have in years. On this blog, you will discover the latest surgical trends for removing uterine fibroids.