Minimally Invasive Surgery: Four Helpful Expectations

Minimally invasive surgery is a helpful tool that can allow doctors to treat their patients' concerns without causing unnecessary trauma. These are some things that patients can expect when they elect to choose minimally invasive surgery with their doctor's guidance:

1. Resolution Of Gynecological Problems

Doctors choose the least invasive method available to treat patients' health concerns. When it comes to gynecological problems, medical options, such as birth control pills and other drugs designed to regulate hormones and control pain, are usually the first line of treatment. Unfortunately, some patients do not experience a full resolution of their issues using these treatments. Minimally invasive surgery can therefore be a way to permanently address health concerns like uterine fibroids and polyps. Patients who are experiencing abnormal bleeding and other unwanted symptoms can often expect to make full recoveries after their surgeries.

2. Less Incision Site Discomfort

It's normal to experience discomfort after any kind of surgical procedure. However, traditional surgeries also typically lead to pain at the incision site. Minimally invasive surgeries can be performed endoscopically, which means that your doctor only needs to make a small incision through which special surgical tools and an endoscope can be inserted. Some gynecological procedures can be performed without any incisions at all by transversing the cervix instead. This means that you'll experience less pain overall due to a small or nonexistent incision site.

3. Minimal To No Scarring

Minimally invasive surgeries also have the benefit of causing little to no scarring. Because the incisions made for minimally invasive procedures are smaller than the incisions made for other surgeries, there is less opportunity for the formation of scar tissue. Your doctor will also try to place their incisions in areas that are easy to hide, such as the area typically hidden by underwear. Your doctor may have additional tips you can use to further minimize your risk of scarring, such as massaging your surgical site to break up excess scar tissue and using silicone scar creams to reduce hyperpigmentation.

4. Swift Recovery

Finally, people who undergo minimally invasive surgeries can expect faster recoveries. Small incision sites cause less trauma to the body, which means the healing process can commence swiftly. Many people require no downtime at all after their minimally invasive surgeries. Your doctor will advise you of any activities you should avoid immediately after your procedure, such as sexual intercourse and swimming. In most cases, you'll be able to return to the majority of your activities as soon as you're feeling up to it.

About Me

Treatment for Uterine Fibroids

I married my wonderful spouse ten years ago. A couple of years after my wedding, I started experiencing excruciating stomach pains. These frightening pains would sometimes last for a week or more. After a visit to my gynecologist’s office, I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids. Over the next few years, my condition worsened. Finally, I decided to undergo surgery in order to have the fibroids removed. Since I recovered from surgery, I’ve been amazed. All of my bothersome symptoms have disappeared. I feel better than I have in years. On this blog, you will discover the latest surgical trends for removing uterine fibroids.